- The image I want to use frist of all was landsacpe and look strange when I rotated it.
- The mise-en scene of my image is a clock, mirror and birthday cards which I dont think give of the right feel for my magazine.
Friday, 23 October 2009
I am going to talk about how I felt the task in hand went and any difficulties I had if any encounted. We were asked to produce a school/college magazine using a blog to show the work we had done. This task would lead us up creating our very own music magazine. To beging with I researched different types of magazines, the convertions of a magazine, the importance of a target audience along with side examples of a medium close up shot. Once all my reseach had been done I had to do a mock up of what I wanted my cobver page and contents page to look like. I then took a some photos, one of which would be on my front cover. Once I had selected my image I used a photo editing software called Pisca 3.Using this software I edited my image my adding a masterhead, barcode, headings a date and issue number. The difficulties I encounted were the following:
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Final Magazine
This is my final design for my magazine which I shall be handing in. I corrected my self from my previous posts which highlighted my spelling mistakes and the curreny. The spelling mistake was the spelling of beat which I had previous spelt with out the a meaning that my sentence did not make any sense. I managed to changed the currency simply by changing the font of my text.
Useful Links I have used.
These are the links I found to help me produce a contents page and a magazine front cover.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zrsZN8YCRY <-- Writing Tips : How to Make a Magazine Table of Contents
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1VThwTPTnQ&feature=fvw <-- Magazines in Photoshop
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MAPu_9oyLY <-- How to make a magazine cover using photoshop cs3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zrsZN8YCRY <-- Writing Tips : How to Make a Magazine Table of Contents
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1VThwTPTnQ&feature=fvw <-- Magazines in Photoshop
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MAPu_9oyLY <-- How to make a magazine cover using photoshop cs3
Wyke Magazine No.7
This is my seveth design. I happy to hand this in as my finnshed product. The only improvements I could think could be done to my magazine cover are the background behind my subject as you can see a mirror,clock and birthday cards. The other improvement that could be made is the currency as it is in dollars instead of pounds. The thrid improvement is that I have found a spelling mistake.
Wyke Magazine No.6
This is my sixth draft of my magazine. I am happy with the final product. In the post "Wyke Magazine No.5" I said that I was going to put the masterhead higher up unfortunaly this was difficult to as it is now saved on to the image therefore I left it to how it was. I like the space above the masterhead. I think it would of looked better without it but I dont think it makes a huge difference. I think that some of text colour is difficult to read due to the colouring.
Wyke Magazine No.4
This is the forth draft of "Wyke XD". I feel alomst happy enough to hand this in as the finnished product. I still feel that the mise-en scene could have been improved. The headings for the stories I think are a little to high up. Another criticism that I have is that the currency is in dollers, this I feel could of been avoided, but the pound sign was not visable when I typed it.
Wyke Magazine No.3
This is my thrid draft of my magazine. This is the same image in the post labeled "Wyke Magazine No.2" I like this design because it is in colour and therefore stands out more then the other image. The mise-en scene of a mirror,clock and birthday card reck the feel for the magazine. However I think that I might use this image for my final design despite the downfall of the background.
Wyke Magazine No.2
This is the second draft of my magazine I did. I dont like this draft as I think the black and white effect does not work as well as I would of liked it to.I believe that it does not make the magazine stand out as much as I would hope. I do however like how the XD is the only part of the front cover in colour. Another reason why I did not end up using this design is because of the background my subject is standing infront of. The mise en scene of this image is not great because it has an edge of a mirror, clock and birthday cards.
Wyke Magazine No.1
This is how my first draft of my magazine looked like. I felt it was a good first try. However I think that the angle of the image gives the magazine a feel of printing erorr. I choose the barcode as it was made into an image which I felt made the front cover different.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Medium close up shots
What is a medium shot?
A medium shot is a shot half way between a mid shot and a close up.
So what is a mid shot?
A mid shot shows some part of the subject in more detail whilst still giving an impression of the whole subject.
And what is a close up?
A close up shot is a certain feature or part of the subject takes up the whole frame.
So what does a medium close up shot look like?
Well below is some examples:
A medium shot is a shot half way between a mid shot and a close up.
So what is a mid shot?
A mid shot shows some part of the subject in more detail whilst still giving an impression of the whole subject.
And what is a close up?
A close up shot is a certain feature or part of the subject takes up the whole frame.
So what does a medium close up shot look like?
Well below is some examples:
Monday, 19 October 2009
Magazine contents page
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Magazine target audience
Usually the target audience for a school or college magazine is the teachers. I am however going to have my target audience as college pupils so to be more extact I would say that my target audience will be teenagers aged 16 to 18. My magazine will apeal to my target audience as I will be using bright colours and have images of the same aged group having fun at college.Another way my magazine will apeal to my target audience is because I will have stories in my magazine that they will find interesting such as party stories and have an agony aunite
Magazine cover templates
This is my mock up of my magazine front cover. I have dicided on the title for my magazine to be Wyke XD. I have placed my title (masterhead) at the top of my magazine as it is a conventional part of a magazine also because it graps the readers attendion straight away. The colour of my masterhead is going to be a dark purple. I have chosen this colour because it will out from image it is placed apoun. I have also chosen the particular shade of purple as it fits in the theme of my college magazine name. The Wyke logo is in purple so I thought that I would carry this theme on so that my target audience will be able to asscoite with the magazine straight away. The background image of my magazine will be on the the following:
A person leaning on a wall looking up as if in a thinking pose.
A person looking at a piece of work
A person sat working their work
Someone dressed in a holloween costume
Someone sat happily enjoying themselves
The barcode will placed at the bottom right of my magazine as it will be out of the way so therefore it will not be the first thing the reader will see. Above the barcode I will put the website address for the magazine which is http://www.wykemag.co.uk/ . Along side of the barcode I will put the price. Underneath the masthead I will put the date and issue of my magazine.
College Magazine name ideas
- Campus Comfort
- College Life
- Wyke College
- Collage - brighting up your college life
- Wyke
- W
link to a website I used to collect some ideas for my college magazine
Monday, 12 October 2009
To help me design my magazine i will be using the key media concepts. These key concepts are:
Language used in the media could be through the ways of: sound,lighting, images, text, costumes
The brand or company of a product for example channel 4, BBC and ITV
A dominant set of ideas presenting itself as common sense of truth. Power relations are reinforced through ideology.
Who the product is aimed at. For more infomation on audience look at target auidence post.
How the product is represented. Does it look cheap or expensive?
Language used in the media could be through the ways of: sound,lighting, images, text, costumes
The brand or company of a product for example channel 4, BBC and ITV
A dominant set of ideas presenting itself as common sense of truth. Power relations are reinforced through ideology.
Who the product is aimed at. For more infomation on audience look at target auidence post.
How the product is represented. Does it look cheap or expensive?
Thursday, 8 October 2009
What I need to do
Orgainisation of models,locations customes or props
Work on layouts drafting mood boards spider diagreams
Evidence of time management.
Work on layouts drafting mood boards spider diagreams
Evidence of time management.
How are differnet magazines portrayed
Fashion Magazines
Fashion mags are normally portayed to be classy and desrible. They usually have a glamourous image on the front cover of either a celebrity or a model. Fashion magazines have a glossy feel to them compared to other magazines.
Gossip Magazines
Gossip mags are portayed the same as a fashion magazine. As well as having images of celebrities and models the also include gossip stoires about celebrities and audience stories some stories include "My husband left me for another lady"
Sport Magazines
Sport mags are portayed to look fast and engeretic and can make you start doing a sport. Sport magazines are one of few mags aimed at the male popultaion.
Game Magazines
Game magazines are the other type of magazines aimed mainly at the male population. They usually have bold print, bright colours and hightech graphic images.
School/College Magazines
School /college magaziones are not as brightly colured as the other types of magazines I named above. They are usually not as exciting as other mags and can be aimed at either the teachers or pupils. School/college magazines are usually however aimed at teachers rather then pupils though there are some indepent schools that aims there school mag at the pupils
Thursday, 1 October 2009
The importance of a target audience
What is a target audience?
A target audience is a group of people a product is aimed at. A target audience can be categorised as gender,age,class,occupation. For example Vouge has a target audience of young females upwards.
Why is a target auidnce important?
Having a target audience is an important part of media. Being able to pick the correct target audience for your procduct is a crucial job as it could make or break your product. If you choose the wrong target audience for your product it could cost the company you work for millions of pounds. Some times however the target audience can be a little difficult to decide depending on the product such as a mobile phone.
A target audience is a group of people a product is aimed at. A target audience can be categorised as gender,age,class,occupation. For example Vouge has a target audience of young females upwards.
Why is a target auidnce important?
Having a target audience is an important part of media. Being able to pick the correct target audience for your procduct is a crucial job as it could make or break your product. If you choose the wrong target audience for your product it could cost the company you work for millions of pounds. Some times however the target audience can be a little difficult to decide depending on the product such as a mobile phone.
Differnet types of magazines
There are many differnet types of magazines. Although they all have a different purpose and target audience each follows the basic conventions fro any magazine. The main types of magazines that I can think of are:
- Fashion e.g. Vogue
- School/College e.g. Primary teachers
- Music e.g. NME
- Game e.g. Game
- Sport e.g. Sport
- Political e.g. The Week
- Children e.g Cbeebies magazine
- Health e.g. Men's Health
- Gossip e.g. Heat
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