Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Textual analysis -->Music Magazine Double Page Spread
Textual analysis --> Music Magazine Double Page Spread
This is a double page spread from a music magazine of Pink. This is a typical double page spread as it has a heading, photograph and article.
Just like the double page spread of Lily Allen, the photograph of Pink takes up half of the the page. Although this time the background is not white like the Lily Allen one. Another difference is that this image is a close up only showing Pink's face. Pink's blonde hair adds contrast to the image through colour as the background is black. There is also yellow dots of either side of Pink's face which add contrast. I think these yellow dots could be earrings as they are below her ears, another reason is that you can slightly see the wire of the earring. Pink is showing the audience that she is happy. The image is light although there is a black background this is because her make is not dark and heavy like Lily’s was. I also think that the photograph looks light because Pink is smiling which detracts your eyes from the dark background. In the bottom right hand side of the photograph there is some writing written in white so that is stands out.
This double page spread looks more provisional and formal then the previous one. This makes me think that this double page spread is from a more established music magazine then before. This could also be about the image they are trying to but across of Pink. Peoples first impressions of Pink is that she is a rebel, but I think is trying to put across that she is not a rebel but instead a respectable lady.
Unlike the article on Lily Allen. The heading is not large and in bold taking up half the page. Instead the heading is simple. The font nothing fancy but is a simple font that most computers have. This font is used throughout the article but in different sizes and in bold in some parts. Underneath the heading is a small paragraph, I think this paragraph tells the reader about the article.
This double page spread in some ways is not conventional. This is because usually double page spreads have more then one image. Another reason is because no important quotes have been taken out of the article and made larger.
Textual analysis --> Music Magazine Double Page Spread
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Textual analysis ---> Music Magazine Contents page
In the top left hand corner is the heading “contents”. This tells the reader what page they are on. Above the word contents is a date. I think this date is the date the magazine was published. The date suggests to me that this magazine is published monthly as it is just the month and year in the date. The word Contents is white text on a red background. This makes the heading stand out. The date is in a darker shade of red and therefore does not standout as much as the heading.
Underneath the contents heading is the word drummer. This suggests that just like NME, Drummer has to remind the reader what they are reading this is because Drummer is in capital letters and it is printed in a large font. Drummer needs to remind the reader more then NME as the font is about twice the size. Kerrang unlike Drummer does not need to but its name on the contents page this is because it is a well established magazine.
This contents page looks more like a typical music magazine then the previous magazines. This is because it has the headings “regulars” and “features” like most contents pages do. The section with the heading “features” is larger then the “regulars” section. Features has red and black text on a white background while the regulars has white and dark red text on a red background.
Although there is not a lot of images unlike the Kerrang contents page, Drummer has mainly got images then text on its contents page. The photographs are dark just like the Kerrang and NME. They all have a page reference except for the photograph of a drum kit. I think that this image is the logo of the magazine because it is a drum kit and it is near the heading “Drummer”. The central image is also the biggest on the page, this is to get the readers attention. I think that this image is central and biggest because it is the cover story. Another reason why I think this is because in white italic font is the word exclusive. The word exclusive is overlapping the article heading and the image. It links the two together, showing the reader the image and text along side one another. The page reference for the photographs is in the top left hand corner, these to follow the colour theme of white and red.