This is a content page taken from a NME magazine.
Unlike Kerrang Magazine this contents page does not have the heading contents instead it has the heading NME THIS WEEK. It suggests that NME have to remind the reader what magazine they are reading as NME are printed in a large font. Kerrang does not have to have its name on the contents page as big as NME does because it is a well established magazine.
This contents page is a conventional contents page. This is becuase contents pages usually have a section with the headings "regulars" and another heading "features" , this contents page is like this unlike the Kerrang contents page I looked at before. Although they dont have the headings "regulars" and "features" they have headings that are simular such as "reviews", "band index", "news" and "studio news".
The colour scheme of this contents page is green. This is unusual for a indie magazine as the colour scheme is usually dark colours like Kerrang's contents page. Thye contents page also uses the colours black and white for the headings. The headings have got white text onto a black background. The font throughout the contents page is the same althought there are differences through text size. The more important the heading the larger the font is.
Along the left hand side there is a heading "Band Index". This heading unlike the other headings is black font on a white background. There is then a list of different bands that are in this issue of NME magazine. The list of band names are in the colour red, this makes them stand out to the reader as the rest of the text is in black.
Just like the Kerrang magazine there is a subscription box in the bottom lefthand side. It has white and yellow font on a black background with an image of the magazine. The font that is in yellow I think is more importantthis is because it stand out more then the white font.
The format of this font is formal yet rebellion. This is because it is set out like a typical magazine but the font is at an angle giving it a edgey look. NME may of done this to show genre of the music the cover.
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